Monday, December 17, 2012

When Greek mythology began

 Greece and Athens are called the town of culture and the town of trade. Also, they are called the town of religion. Greece is the gateway to orient of traditional religion and Christianity. The trace of culture existing there is only pieces of excavation. There is the era exciting equally the heavens and the earth, both of them. It is ancient Greek era. Greek mythology is the stories formed in the era. Greek mythology is made up of the story showed the great power of many Gods. The others are the origins of world, and the story of heroes. So, Greek mythology is formed three storied.

 Show the Greek mythology easily. The first, chaos is born in the space. The second, Gods is born, ”Gaia (earth)”, “Tartaros (bottomless)”, “Eros (love)”. The next, the story of nature world from “Gaia” become. The characteristic of Olympos’ Gods is that Gods is people has immortal and powerful ability. So, Greece thought giving us ability is Gods. Therefore, God is terribly human nature and has feelings not only ability. The purpose of living is drawing up with Gods. Olympos’ 12 Gods is personality. They are strong self-assertion. There are many Gods about nature in Olympos’ 12 Gods.

 Typical, the Greek mythology points the story of Olympos’ Gods. The Ancient Greece people is made painting and sculpture, poem, literature on the Greek mythology. In present, Greek mythology become the material of games and comics.

The Greek mythology is formed a long time ago (thousands year ago) Bible was formed. It was brought down as teachings. It was told by not writing but only mouth. The Greek mythology is formed by not one person but many people. In ancient Greece, Greece is formed by many states (for example, Sparta, Athens). It is called “Greece World (Society)”. Each of the states in Greece World had myths and legends. The later, their myths and legends mixed, the new myths and legends were established. Also, stories and poems were established on the myths. Finally, Greek mythology is established on them. So, Greek mythology is the myth refined by many people.

 Greek mythology is established in Homeros era (B.C.750). Homeros wrote “Ilias”, “Odysseia”. They are epic poetry. They helped people understanding Greek mythology and the stories of Gods. In other words, giving Greece Gods is Homeros. So, it is Bible. After 50 years ago from Homeros era, Hesiodos is the poem writing “The Theogony” showed the origin of Gods. But the origin wrote by Hesiods is different in Homeros’s.

 Greek mythology changed forms by contacting other cultures. The deep relationship to Greek mythology is Roma mythology. So, Greek mythology is established from Roma mythology. Also, Greek mythology is similar to Japan mythology for example, Japan’s oldest historical record “Kojiki”, the oldest chronicles of Japan “Nihonsyoki”. The point in common of both is exsiting many Gods, apearing monster threatened to people, appearing the hero disposed of the monsters. Their mythology is established from the same roots, because the myths of western and eastern are similar. This same roots is began in the Middle and Near East 15000 years ago.

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