Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Olympic and Greek mythology

 Why had ancient Olympic held? The key of the answer is ancient city remain in Peloponnisos of Greece. Peloponnisos is center of ancient Greek religion ( God’s area of Zeus ). Also, there is area of origin of ancient Olympic and is registered World Heritage Site ( Culture Heritage) as ancient remain of Olympic in 1989.

 Zeus is highest God dominated almighty sky. Zeus dominated world hold a continuous banquet in magnificent palace of incurable Gods in Olympos mountain (219m). Olympos 12Gods is brothers and child of Zeus. The name of Olympos 12Gods is origin of planet. The region event of these Gods was held in Olympia area for Greek.

 In ancient Greek era, Olympic had held in summer of every 4year in Peloponnisos of
Greece. Track and field, tragic performance, music, and painting were held. In period held Olympic, all Greek wars were truce. From B.C.776, Olympic was continued to hold 293times until abolished Olympic for Roma emperor in B.C.393.

 Other various opinion exists. For example, Achilleus held competition for having pity on death of Patroklos in Troia war. This is origin of Olympic.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Greek mythology and Roma mythology

Roma mythology is mythology told in ancient Roma. Roma mythology is similar to Greek mythology. Both mythologies are almost same. The name of Gods of Roma mythology is took in modern western language (for example, heavenly bodies, day, and month). What is the reason? Is the reason only that place established both mythologies is immediate? The blog shows outline of Roma mythology and the reason.

Roman went on to tell mythology to their descendant like Indo European. The mythology has existed from prehistoric times. But, Roman changed over their history and ceremony from their mythologies. Roman had had mythology that be similar to Indo European (for example, three functions systems, the mythology of water’s God, and the mythology of dull dawn goddess). Relationship between Greek mythology and Roma mythology is many unknown points, but it is certain that Roma had original mythologies before importing Greek mythology.  

From 6B.C., Roman equated the ancient God of Roma mythology with the Gods of Greek mythology affected Greece. In other words, it is translated from Greek. So, Roma mythology became to be similar to Greek mythology. Because Greece is geographic near to Roma, Roma traded with Greece.

Next thing is one of the theories. Grandfather’s nation of Roma is Troy. Troy is the country lost in Troy wars in Greek mythology. The survivor of Troy ran away Roma. So, Roma has original mythology in Roma and part of Greek mythology. The later, both mythologies became to be similar. The traditional culture of Greece is the best culture in Europe.

Greek mythologies was peak in 2000B.C.. The Gods worshiped through many civilization was gathered by Homeros and Hesiodos. Greek mythology became one of literature. Greek mythology was told to Greece, Roma in polis’s era. And, the mythology was  beckoned Renaissance.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Greek mythology and Japanese mythology

There are myths in the world, regularly. And, the contents are various and much. Greek mythology and mythology in Christianity were one of the most famous mythologies in the mythology, but there are many mythologies in Chinese continent, southeast Asia, Indonesia, and America. Japan has many mythologies, naturally. But when we examine their mythologies, we can finds many strange things. It is similarity points in the episodes. My blog shows similarity points between Greek mythology and Japanese mythologies.

Although many evidences existed, many mythologies were established in same roots.

The first, the story Izanami and Orupeusu. Izanami is God (man) in Japanese mythology. Orupeusu is God (man) in Greek mythology. They are lost their wives. Because they hoped reviving their wife, they went to the other world (hell). The guard in the other world gave them condition reviving their wife. This condition is to not see thire wife. But they broke this condition. They fail reviving their wife.

The second, other world's food. The story adds. When their wife was in other world, wife ate other world's food. Therefore, wife became other world's inhabitant. But guard reluctantly permited reviving their wife. The later, their wife became the other world's queen.

These things are masterpieces. There are many similarity points except the two things. Although Japan is far away from Greece, why is two mythologies similar? The key of the problem is existing Scythian who flourish in ancient central Asia. Scythian is Iranian nomad and Indo European family. So, Scythian told Altai family many mythologies through extent in Eurasian continent (from west to east). The finally, mythology in Skythai is told Japan and Korea by Scythian. As evidence, mythology in Indo European family exists three Gods having three functions ( sovereigh, soldier, and productor). In Japan, three functions also exist for three God's material (mirror, sword, and bead). Each similarity points in mythologies are not general, but partial. Absolute God in Many mythologies except Japanese is man, but absolute Gods in Japanese is woman (Amaterasuokami). These difference points is appeared by different in culture and history.