Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Olympic and Greek mythology

 Why had ancient Olympic held? The key of the answer is ancient city remain in Peloponnisos of Greece. Peloponnisos is center of ancient Greek religion ( God’s area of Zeus ). Also, there is area of origin of ancient Olympic and is registered World Heritage Site ( Culture Heritage) as ancient remain of Olympic in 1989.

 Zeus is highest God dominated almighty sky. Zeus dominated world hold a continuous banquet in magnificent palace of incurable Gods in Olympos mountain (219m). Olympos 12Gods is brothers and child of Zeus. The name of Olympos 12Gods is origin of planet. The region event of these Gods was held in Olympia area for Greek.

 In ancient Greek era, Olympic had held in summer of every 4year in Peloponnisos of
Greece. Track and field, tragic performance, music, and painting were held. In period held Olympic, all Greek wars were truce. From B.C.776, Olympic was continued to hold 293times until abolished Olympic for Roma emperor in B.C.393.

 Other various opinion exists. For example, Achilleus held competition for having pity on death of Patroklos in Troia war. This is origin of Olympic.

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