Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Constellation and Greek mythology

Do you know the story of constellation?

Constellation is the most famous subject in astronomy. Constellation is one of the common subjects, because horoscope is popular by TV program, and magazine. Also, the signal that people are interested in astronomy is constellation, because constellation related to Greek mythology. The story of Greek mythology related to constellation is fun, and strange charm that people are interested in astronomy without notice.

 The origin of constellation is very past time, 3000 B.C.. The era is called ancient Babylonia. The Sheepherder in Mesopotamia looked up at night sky, named the bright star, and drew the picture in night sky; connected the stars in line. The picture that sheepherder drew is descended in Greece, connected the mythology and legend, and complete model of present constellation and the story of constellation.

 These constellations are pulled together by Ptolemaios Klaudios, astronomical geographer in 2 century B.C. in Alexandria. The number of constellation is 48. The 48 constellation is the source of present constellation.

 The actually, there is not the picture of constellation, because many constellation appeared and lost. So, the constellation is completely free. There were many constellations, for example, South Scorpio (Near the Aries No.41), Saint Petros (Capricorn), Menarusu mountain seat(western Bootes), and Heart of Charles seat (Korukarori), but the constellation lost. Because in 16 century (Age of Great Navigations), they became to be able to see the constellation in the southern sky, many constellations appeared.

 The present, the all constellations admitted by International Astronomical Union is 88 in all sky.


The legend of constellation

The Legend of Sirius
 In 2000 B.C., the nation knew overflow in Nile when Sirius of Canis Major shined more. The overflow cultivate field and helped crop farm. Also, the nation knew the overflow one the year. This became the source of calendar. So, Sirius is called “the star of Nile” by them.

The Legend of the Cup
 In mythology, the Cup is called the cup of the God of alcohol Dionysus, Apollp, Achilles, or Noah’s Ark Cup. The nation knew Nile ebbs before long when the Cup rose from the eastern sky. So, the Cup is famous with Sirius in Nile.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Greek mythology and Modern Art

 “The birth of Venus” is one of the most famous modern arts of Greek mythology. In 1485, it was drawn by order by Medici’s relative. The description of the picture is scene that Venus is born from bubble, sits at scallop’s shell, lands in Cyprus island by wind blowed by west wind’s God Zeferosu. The composition of the picture is similar to Greek baptism’s picture. So, the picture is said that ancient learning and Christianity fuse and ideal of Renaissance new Platonism philosophy shows.

 The other modern art of Greek Roma mythology is “Aphrodite”, “Leda and Swan”, “Danae”, and “Three Goddess”. There are a lot of modern arts of Greek mythology.

 But in Christianity culture, women’s nude is taboo. But drawing Goddess is allowing for privilege. In those days, the artist’s materials in Greek Roma mythology is convenient for drawing women’s nude. These arts called mythology picture, but men’s Gods is few.

 Venus is drawn by sculptures and arts in the western art from ancient to modern. Venus is the beautiful Goddess, and administer Love and Beauty in origin of Aphrodite. Roman also worships that Aphrodite is Venus. Artist drew figure that Venus is born from bubble and face to the shore.

 Aphrodite is Goddess of Greek mythology administered Love, Beauty, and Gender. She is one of twelve Olympos. And she is top of beauty, three Goddess in Paris, and the best Goddess. Also she is Goddess of war. Essentially, she is sprit or Goddess of ancient Orient and small Asia. She is generation and rich harvest, therefore, spring Goddess.

 Aphrodite is Goddess of Venus (planet) as Ishtar and Asutarute. But these is not said by Homeros and Hesiodos. From ancient era, Aphrodite is binded Venus and in Greece, Venus is called the planet of Aphrodite.

The Poem

 Most man of letter and poet gave their work elegant in material and modification of work used by story and shot in Greek mythology. Orpheus also gave poet inspiration. Jean Cocteau filmed Orpheus.

  ”Paradise Lost”, “ Koumasu” by John Milton

  ”Fairy Queen” by Spencer

The Music

 The field of music also is used the material of Greek mythology. The number is more.

  ”Ifijeni of Orido”, “Paris and Helena” by Gluck

  ”People of Troy” by Berlioz

  ”Idomeneo”, “Asukanio of Alba” from child of Aineiasu  by Mozart

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Renaissance and Greek mythology

 Does not mean you lost manuscripts of all, the ancient heritage, however, in the Renaissance through the 15th century, to examine and document repository of the monastery in great detail, the West finding noted and manuscripts of original text Greek from the 14th century I could. Islam in the 8th century with the rise of the Empire, on the other hand, many books that have been lost in the West, went over to Islam through the Byzantine Empire. However, by sending the Crusaders in the 12th century, Western Europe has resumed contact with the Byzantine Empire and its cultural relics. Among the movement history of the world, these manuscripts and Arabic Greek relations and science Aristotle has arrived in Western Europe from the Muslim world, and these are translated into Latin in the 12th century, the scholastic philosophy The High of the next generation I led.

 I almost forgot the literature of ancient Greece Western Europe, he is said to obtain a translation of the works of Aristotle there in the 12th century, and was longing to classical Greek Iyamasu. The area for which Limbaugh made among Inferno "Divine Comedy," Dante Alighieri is a typical medieval poet of the early 14th century, the ancient poet was placed there. Four of the five poets in Latin poet, was one of the remaining Homer. To be weird, I did not know the works of Homer is Dante, Western Europe's know this great poet, he made it from a little now but in later times.

 Western names and works of the ancient Roman poet Ovid knew well, however. As being expressed clearly the subject of Greek mythology in paintings of the Italian Renaissance, "Spring" and "The Birth of Venus" by Sandro Botticelli in the present. I do not know the year and production in both Kakuzen both painting, but it is assumed it would be around 1482. While matching the depiction of Ovid's "calendar festival" if work "Spring" and "The Birth of Venus" is paired, Hideji higher order, "Spring" to interpret the painting of these two this is heaven. " I have pointed out that there is a possibility of separate draw of Aphrodite "the masses" and "Aphrodite of.

 "The Birth of Venus" of Botticelli can be thought of as a typical piece of concrete representation of Greek mythology in the Italian Renaissance. Philosophy and Neopura port parkinsonism of (Plato Academy), the thought of Renaissance magical, the myth aesthetic which underlies all in between Western culture and the Greek culture esoteric, such as Marushirio, Ficino, which is assumed to be behind this picture it can be said to be a principle. Next, in the Western world, the image of the earlier Greek Renaissance period marked what kind of thing it was.

Archaeology Material

We can understand by moden developing archaeology. Archaeology is researched ancient remain.

We have found decoration sculpture, statue, urn, and dish drawn Gods and person. We judged that these pictures are drawn Gods, heros, and events in Greek mythology. These pictures have a lot of academic meaning. We can understand the story of Greek mythology.

On the other hand, it is important to examine the materials are true. And we searched the material in the era not existed literature. The era called “Dark Age”. In 19century, Johann Ludwing Heinrich Julius Schilemann, Germany, and amateur archaeologist, dug up Hissariku hill in western Anatolis peninsula of Greece. And he decided Troia remain gone out of many city remain by fire. He decided Mykenai culture.

Mykenai culture is the bronze culture in Peloponnesos of Mykenai. Mykenai culture was developing by Mediterranean sea trade. The trade brought arts of Minoan civilization. Mykenai went out of Ilios in Troas. The fight called Trajan War. This became the matter of famous epic poem “Ilias” by Homeros. The building in Minoan civilization was used big stones, was fenced wall.

In 20century, Arthur John Evans, United Kingdom archaeologist, researched strictly Trajan remain. He dag up remain of civilization in Kriti island. He found picture letter, LinearA, and LinearB. The later, these letter was used in Greek mainland. In middle 20century, Michael George, United Kingdom architect, amateur ancient civilization professor, decoded the latter. The content written in LinearB is Mikenai latter. The fact helped Trajan war by Homeros decode. One of the stories of many heros has origin of Mikenai civilization in 15century.

Greek Materials

Greek mythology is told by oral literature. Tow epic poem “Ilias” and “Odysseia” written by Homeros in 8 or 9century B.C. is masterpiece of top of God’s mythology by oral literature. The world of helleneds (ancient Greek people’s self styled) existed model of stories formed Greek mythology.

 People understood that Gods and genies exist in the world of ground, and grand road of Gods exist in snow covered mountains and the heaves. But people didn’t understand that the Gods and genies have their names and existence. The minstrels were told how Gods exist. So, minstrels were poet explained existence of Gods. The spirit of Gods were inhabited minstrels, and were told truth of immortality Gods’ world. Therefore, Homeros was writing prayer word of goddess “Musa”.

 The late, how to tradition changed letter from oral literature. The letter existed in ancient Greek era. It is “Linear B (線文字B) “. It existed at court in Greece from Aegean in Mycenaean (1357B.C. from 1450B.C.). The letter was found in Knossos court site. Then “LinearA (線文字A)” found and “LinearB” descendent from “LinearA”. But the letter defunct in Dark era (暗黒時代). But ancient Greece letter descendent from Phoenicia letter in 8century B.C. and is written in Greek mythology. The late, Greek mythology is written by Latina (ラテン語).


Famous Material of Greek Mythology

Ancient Greek poet

“Ilias” , “Odysseia” by Homeros (9century B.C.)

”Theogonia”, “Eraga kai Hemerai”, “Dames glantes” by Hesiodos (8century B.C.)

   Traditional Performing Arts Poet

”Olympia Victory Clebration” by Πίνδαρος (ピンタゴス) (522B.C.-433B.C.)

”dithyramb” by Βακχυλίδης (バッキュランボス) (520B.C-450B.C.)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

How do people profess Gods in Greek mythology

 At present, few people profess Gods of Greek mythology. Have not people profess Gods of Greek mythology?

 In ancient Greece, people profess Gods of Greek mythology like how to profess Japanese Gods. In Japan, there are many shrines to worship many Gods (Amaterasu, Ookuninushi). In ancient Greece, there are many temples to worship many Gods (Athene, Apollo). Also, many festivals to worship Gods held by season. Because Greek mythology was private faith for various Gods, it was difficult to form for religion.

 Why do not people profess Gods of Greek mythology? Greek mythology is formed philosophy and idea in ancient Greece and affected birth of Christianity. Therefore, Greek mythology is one of spiritual pillars in Western Europe. But, Greek mythology had little sense of professing Gods of Greek mythology while appearing Christianity. Northern Europe, Celtic, and Egyptian mythology had little sense of professing Gods by spread of Christianity. Especially, Egyptian mythology was attacked Christianity, Jewry, and Islam. Through this, many mythologies have gone out by appearing new religions.

 Why is Greek mythology famous in the world? Gods of Greek mythology were showed many arts. Mythology of polytheism is abundant stories and personalities. In present, Greek mythology is material of game and anime. In Greece, people to profess Christianity like Greek mythology.

 Did Greece people think Greek mythology is true? Ancient Greece people criticize logos and mythos through incredulity principle formed by sophists. But the conclusion of Paul Veyne shows ancient Greece people believing Greek mythology. Xenophanes, poet philosopher in 6century B.C., criticized Gods proved by Homeros and Hesiodos dirty existing (for example, theft and cheating). But Homeros and Hesiodos were convince that Gods showed by them is true. They thought one of importance of mythology is anonymous. So, mythology is the story existing from ancient era. From 7century middle B.C., lyric poem existed for traditional epic. Lyric poem is poem charging individual idea. But poet is indifferent to existing absolute Gods. Besides, Greece tragedy existed. It is not prayer of Musai and is story created by lyric poets. This gave people depth, but did people believe Gods of Greek mythology? Nietzshe, tragedy poet, think Greekb mythology changed notion of “hero” by introduction of chros. Therefore, ancient Greece people profess Gods of Greek mythology.