Sunday, February 3, 2013

How do people profess Gods in Greek mythology

 At present, few people profess Gods of Greek mythology. Have not people profess Gods of Greek mythology?

 In ancient Greece, people profess Gods of Greek mythology like how to profess Japanese Gods. In Japan, there are many shrines to worship many Gods (Amaterasu, Ookuninushi). In ancient Greece, there are many temples to worship many Gods (Athene, Apollo). Also, many festivals to worship Gods held by season. Because Greek mythology was private faith for various Gods, it was difficult to form for religion.

 Why do not people profess Gods of Greek mythology? Greek mythology is formed philosophy and idea in ancient Greece and affected birth of Christianity. Therefore, Greek mythology is one of spiritual pillars in Western Europe. But, Greek mythology had little sense of professing Gods of Greek mythology while appearing Christianity. Northern Europe, Celtic, and Egyptian mythology had little sense of professing Gods by spread of Christianity. Especially, Egyptian mythology was attacked Christianity, Jewry, and Islam. Through this, many mythologies have gone out by appearing new religions.

 Why is Greek mythology famous in the world? Gods of Greek mythology were showed many arts. Mythology of polytheism is abundant stories and personalities. In present, Greek mythology is material of game and anime. In Greece, people to profess Christianity like Greek mythology.

 Did Greece people think Greek mythology is true? Ancient Greece people criticize logos and mythos through incredulity principle formed by sophists. But the conclusion of Paul Veyne shows ancient Greece people believing Greek mythology. Xenophanes, poet philosopher in 6century B.C., criticized Gods proved by Homeros and Hesiodos dirty existing (for example, theft and cheating). But Homeros and Hesiodos were convince that Gods showed by them is true. They thought one of importance of mythology is anonymous. So, mythology is the story existing from ancient era. From 7century middle B.C., lyric poem existed for traditional epic. Lyric poem is poem charging individual idea. But poet is indifferent to existing absolute Gods. Besides, Greece tragedy existed. It is not prayer of Musai and is story created by lyric poets. This gave people depth, but did people believe Gods of Greek mythology? Nietzshe, tragedy poet, think Greekb mythology changed notion of “hero” by introduction of chros. Therefore, ancient Greece people profess Gods of Greek mythology.

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